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Community News

  • Pet Preparedness: Emergency Preparedness Week

    We all love our pets, so why do so few of us have plans for them in the event of an emergency? Prepare your pets for the unexpected. 

  • Organizational Resilience: Emergency Preparedness Week

    Research shows that when staff are prepared for disruptions in their personal life, it helps them continue to come to work while they navigate the situation. This is incredibly helpful for those in professions that may become essential in times of a crisis.

  • Emergency Test Alert Today: Emergency Preparedness Week

    Today at 11:55 a.m., the National Public Alerting System will issue a test message to Alberta through TV, Radio, and directly to compatible and connected smartphones.

  • Attraction and Retention Committee Seeks Member-at-Large

    The Central Peace Attraction and Retention Committee is seeking a member-at-large to help attract healthcare professionals to our region.

  • Teaching Moments: Emergency Preparedness Week

    There's never a bad time to practice emergency preparedness. Be prepared and encourage preparedness action year-round. 

  • Protect Your Property: Emergency Preparedness Week

    Is your property adequately protected in the event of an emergency? Do you have the correct insurance coverage in place and know what it covers? Don't wait until disaster hits to plan your lifelines. 

  • Latest Library Board Minutes Available

    The approved minutes from the February 5, 2024, Saddle Hills County Municipal Library Board Meeting are now available.

  • Woking Fiber Construction Update

    Canadian Fiber Optics have made significant construction progress and residents in the Hamlet of Woking should be seeing lots of locate flags and crews in the area in the coming days and weeks. 

  • Be Prepared: Evacuation

    Severe floods, chemical releases and wildfires may prompt an evacuation alert or evacuation order to be issued. Preparing in advance can keep you, your loved ones and your pets safe and comfortable if you are required to evacuate your community.

  • Where Should I Take My Trash?

    Saddle Hills County has many options for garbage disposal and recycling. Read up on what can and can't go in the collection bins and what to do with your miscellaneous trash.

Contact Us

Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760

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