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Press Releases

  • Image of Children Laughing
    2023 Budget Highlights

    2023 is set to be an exciting year for Saddle Hills County. Council continues to prioritize important infrastructure, such as our roads and access to potable water, and public safety, as well as improving our recreation facilities for residents and visitors.

  • Image of Installation of Pipeline
    Rural Water Project featured in Municipal World

    Rural municipalities across Canada are grappling with the challenges of economic growth and development in the face of declining population and lack of infrastructure.

  • Seasons Greetings from the Reeve 2022/23

    As we reflect on the past year and enjoy this holiday season it’s hard not to appreciate our many blessings. 

  • County Celebrated Queen’s Reign In 2015

    Reflecting back on the life of Queen Elizabeth II, Reeve Alvin Hubert reminded Council on Tuesday of the special celebration held for her back in 2015. 

  • Image of officials helping woman at Open House
    G5 Water Open House Well Attended

    People from all over the Central Peace attended an open house Thursday at the Centennial Center in Spirit River to learn more about the Central Peace Regional Water Supply Project.

  • Image of Peace River at Cotillion
    Province Announces $2 Million Grant for the Design of Regional Water Treatment Plant

    The Alberta Ministry of Transportation announced on July 20, 2022, the approval of the Water for Life grant application for the design of the Central Peace Regional Water Treatment Plant. The funding covers up to 90 percent of the costs of the project; two million dollars of the $2,222,222 needed.

  • County Declares June 6 -12 as Seniors' Week

    At their regular meeting on May 24, 2022 Saddle Hills County Council declared June 6 -12 as Senmiors' Week.

  • Saddle Hills County Groups Raise $51,501 For Ukraine

    As a community, Saddle Hills County has managed to raise more than $51,000 for the citizens of the Ukraine. Payment was sent this week to the Canada-Ukraine foundation in support of the embattled citizens of the Eastern European nation which has been at war since February.

  • Continued Growth For Rural Water Initiative

    2021 saw a continued growth for Saddle Hills County’s Rural Water Initiative. The initiative is expanding as residents are hooked up in areas where the mainline has been extended; pipelines are added to new areas of the County; easements are signed making way for future growth.

  • Notice of Development Permit Approvals - May 3 Deadline

    Development permits have been conditionally approved by Saddle Hills County, subject to the right of appeal to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board

Contact Us

Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760

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