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Stay Informed: Measles

Measles cases are increasing globally, with numerous countries reporting outbreaks, including several Canadian provinces. An outbreak was recently identified in northern Alberta, with six cases confirmed, raising concerns about the potential for further spread of this highly contagious disease.

Albertans are asked to be aware of measles symptoms and to access resources to protect themselves and prevent further spread.

Measles is extremely contagious and spreads easily through the air. People with fewer than two doses of a measles vaccine are susceptible to infection. This risk is increased for those that are pregnant, under one year of age, and/or have a weakened immune system. 

The measles vaccine is highly effective at preventing infection and complications and, in Alberta, the vaccine is offered free of charge to eligible Albertans through the publicly funded immunization program.

If you notice symptoms of measles, you are advised to stay home and call Health Link at 811, before visiting any health care providers. You can also text "measles" to 88111 to get health information texted to your mobile device.

Symptoms of measles include:

  • fever of 38.3° C or higher.
  • cough, runny nose and/or red eyes.
  • a red, blotchy rash that appears three to seven days after fever starts, typically beginning behind the ears and on the face and spreading down the body and then to the arms and legs.

For further information on routine childhood immunization, visit 

For additional information on measles disease, please visit 

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