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Plan for your Farm's Future

Farm Credit Canada (FCC) is now offering a new Will and Estate Pre-Planning Tool for Canadian farms. 

The tool will provide producers with the starting point they need to think about how to successfully plan for the future of their operations. 

The Farm Transition - Will and Estate Pre-Planning Tool for Canadian Farms is based on Dr. Tom Deans' Willing Wisdom Index platform and has been adapted to reflect the unique needs of Canadian farm owners. Producers will receive personalized recommendations and a checklist after answering a series of questions, helping them identify what is being done well and any existing gaps in estate planning.

Families often find the conversation around will and estate planning a difficult one to start. This tool is intended to help provide guidance and a little urgency in helping to facilitate those conversations, with considerations such as how to bring in and use resources like lawyers, accountants, and wealth advisors. 

The quick questionnaire takes around 8 to 10 minutes to complete, and will provide clear recommendations on next steps, a common one being to sit down and talk to family members.

The tool is completely free, anonymous, and confidential, and can include actions which are actionable and some which can be immediately taken. Producers can then reuse the tool to see their score improve and their checklist change based on what they have accomplished.

Access the tool online at and begin your estate planning journey today. 

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