Community Volunteers Recognized at Annual Event
The Annual Volunteer Appreciation BBQ took place on August 22, 2024, at Moonshine Lake Provincial Park, recognizing members of the community for their exceptional work and commitment, as nominated by their peers.
This year saw a record 18 people nominated. All nominees were invited to receive their awards from Council at the BBQ, in front of their nominators and fellow community members. As part of each nomination, nominators are asked to provide details on why the person should receive an award. A list of nominees and their nominations can be seen below.
Lowell Bauman
Nominated by: Nancy Badiuk
Nancy wrote in her nomination that, “Lowell is one wonderful man. Always helping everybody with whatever. This spring he came over and rototilled my garden and got it ready for me to plant it. He cuts the grass for me and fixed my fence last year. He cuts the grass at the church and their neighbours lawn. If more people were like Lowell this world would be a better place.”
Nancy also added that, “Lowell’s wife, Elaine, was in the Grande Prairie Hospital in May, with an infection after her second hip operation. Lowell would go and spend the afternoon with her everyday. That’s what you call a very good, caring husband.”
Carla Day
Nominated by: Charles Sleep
This is Carla’s third consecutive year receiving a nomination for Volunteer Recognition. That simple fact alone shows not just the hard work she puts in, but the appreciation and value placed on her within this community. Her nominator, Charles Sleep, stated, “She has been absolutely tireless in the Gordondale community”.

Trent and Kathy Hingley
Nominated by: Savanna Ag Society
Trent and Kathy Hingley were nominated by the Savanna Ag Society for their help in the community over the many years they have lived here. In their nomination they wrote, “Trent and Kathy Hingley have lived in this community their entire adult life. They have never hesitated to lend a helping hand or stop by and pitch in. They have been such a huge part of our community and the success of the Savanna Agricultural Society. They donate the use of their equipment and their time, and donate generously to see the success of the recreational complex and grounds. They have been an inspiration to so many young couples on what being a positive impact on a community is. When helping out they always have a smile on their faces and stop in at any moment to help in the kitchen and bar, run the Zamboni, clean up, work in the yard, or pitch in around the gymkhana grounds. With them moving away and retiring soon, the community is definitely going to miss such wonderful volunteers and lovely people.”

Gerald Oltmanns
Nominated by: Mellisa Muehrer
Gerald is a long-time resident of Westmark and has been nominated for his commitment to his community.
His nominator, Melissa, wrote, “Gerald is in his 80’s and still volunteers to cut the grass at the Westmark Hall, ball diamond, and Hilltop Lake.”

Karen Potrebenko
Nominated by: Judy Smith
In the words of her nominator, Judy, “Karen will always pitch in wherever she is needed and will do so cheerfully. Karen shows by her examples how to help those in need and she is someone that you can depend on in a moments notice, she will not let you down.”

Judy Smith
Nominated by: Karen Potrebenko
Karen said of Judy, “[She] enjoys helping with community activities, at Westmark or Woking, and is willing to give a lending hand to neighbours. She is always calling friends and neighbours to keep them in touch with activities and if she hasn’t seen a community member for a while, will call them and let them know she has missed seeing them. Judy cares about everyone in the community and makes others aware that everyone we interact with has value.”

Ken Dolen, Ian Hotte, Mallory Kaiser, Verlin LaRochelle, Mike Mandel, Nathan Mandel, Delano Toews, Dustin Toews, Doug Yanishewski, Lyla Yanishewski, and Wally Yanishewski
Nominated by: Andy Gregg
As we all know, the presence of wildfires in our community has increased over the last few years, with a large fire of note being the wildfire north of Fourth Creek, in the spring of 2023.
Andy nominated Ken, Iain, Mallory, Verlin, Mike, Nathan, Delano, Dustin, Doug, Lyla, and Wally for their help and service during this event.
In his words, “I am nominating this group of people for their dedication and service during the May 2023 Wildfire in Fourth Creek. As Deputy Fire Chief during this time, I witnessed these people to be at the forefront of the effort to defend out community from the start of the fire. Some of these people were paid by the County for their time and equipment, but their dedication and efforts were ‘over and above their pay grade’, so to speak. They were supported by many other community and family members who enabled them to be there in our time of need. Many on this list contribute to their community in various other ways as well, making them an inspiration to others to improve the quality of life we enjoy in Saddle Hills County today. To the many others who contributed to this effort and are not on this list, I express my heartfelt thanks. You are all heroes.”
Andy goes on to say, “These people spent many long days either on the front lines or in support roles to keep the firefighting efforts going for three weeks, in May of 2023. Some directed others, some provided meals and refreshments, some scouted the fire lines, and some operated heavy equipment. All knowing every effort may, or may not, pay off, but they kept trying. This determination in the face of a volatile and ever-changing event is a valuable attribute for any citizen. These volunteers stopped what they were doing during one of the busiest times of the year, spring planting, to support their community that was threatened by this wildfire. Their dedication and time spent is an inspiration to all.”
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