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Alberta Crop Report - May 7, 2024

Warmer than normal temperatures over much of the province has provided an opportunity for an early start to the 2024 crop year. As of this first report, 18 per cent of all crops provincially have been seeded, which is ahead of both the five-year and 10year averages of 12 per cent (Table 1). Seeding progress is ahead of the five-year average in all regions (Figure 1), with the Peace Region, the Central Region, and the South Region the furthest ahead of normal. Reports suggest that seeding began in the province in mid-April and note that, while soil temperatures remain cool, recent operations are motivated by anticipated widespread rains across the province this week, followed by warmer temperatures next week.

Initial regional growth conditions for pasture and tame hay fields are notably higher in the South and Central Regions of the province. Provincial pasture (tame hay) growth conditions are reported as 20 (20) per cent poor, 45 (53) per cent fair, 34 (26) per cent good and 1 (1) per cent excellent (Table 2). Regional ratings of good to excellent pasture growth conditions are 45 (45) per cent for the South Region, 43 (49) per cent for the Central Region, 24 (19) per cent for the North East Region, 0 (0) per cent for the North West Region, and 15 (15) per cent for the Peace Region.

Recent precipitation has resulted in a difference between the ratings for surface soil moisture and the ratings for sub-surface moisture in soil below six inches. Provincial surface soil moisture ratings (sub-surface soil moisture ratings) are reported as 8 (18) per cent poor, 28 (31) per cent fair, 55 (46) per cent good, 8 (5) per cent excellent, and 0 (0) per cent excessive. Regional ratings of good to excellent surface soil moisture (sub-surface moisture) are 60 (36) per cent in the South Region, 58 (50) per cent in the Central Region, 76 (63) per cent in the North East Region, 84 (58) per cent in the North West Region, and 47 (72) per cent in the Peace Region.

This year, spring conditions have reduced the impact of soil erosion due to water runoff while slightly increasing wind erosion. Soil erosion in the province due to water runoff (five-year average) was reported as 44 (35) per cent none, 52 (54) per cent light, 4 (11) per cent moderate and 0 (0) per cent heavy. Soil erosion in the province due to winds (five-year average) was reported as 31 (38) per cent none, 46 (45) per cent light, 23 (16) per cent moderate and 0 (1) per cent heavy.

Provincially, 58 per cent of responses indicated that forage reserves are adequate to surplus, below the five-year average of 74 per cent. For feed grain reserves, 68 per cent of provincial responses indicate that reserves are adequate to surplus, lower than the five-year average of 83 per cent.

Regional Assessment - Region Five: Peace (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)

  • Seeding progress for all crops (major crops) is 18 (18) per cent complete, compared to the five-year average of 1 (1) per cent.
  • Reported sub-surface moisture is 5 per cent poor, 23 per cent fair, 66 per cent good, 6 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.
  • Conditions of tame hay are reported as 25 per cent poor, 59 per cent fair, 15 per cent good, and 0 per cent excellent.

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