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Alberta Crop Report - May 14, 2024

Reports suggest that significant precipitation fell on the majority of areas in the South, Central, and North East regions last week. Despite creating seeding delays, the precipitation was welcomed and has notably improved growing conditions. Areas in the Peace and North West regions received significantly lower or no rainfall last week allowing seeding progress to continue uninterrupted. Provincial seeding progress of major crops is reported at 33 per cent, ahead of the five-year historical average of 28 per cent for this week (Table 1). Seeding progress of major crops remains ahead of the five-year average in all regions, with the exception of the South Region (Figure 1), with the Peace Region and North West Region the furthest ahead of average. 

Emergence of major crops across the province is reported at 6 per cent, ahead of both the five and 10-year average of 3 per cent. Regional emergence of major crops is reported at 15 per cent for the South Region, 4 per cent for the Central Region, 2 per cent for the North East Region, 1 per cent for the North West Region and 5 per cent for the Peace Region. 

Recent precipitation improved surface soil moisture ratings in all regions of the province except the Peace. Provincial surface soil moisture good-to-excellent ratings are reported as 72 per cent, above the five-year average of 58 per cent and the 10-year average of 63 per cent. Regional surface soil moisture good-to-excellent ratings (change from last week) are reported at 75 (+16) per cent in the South Region, 64 (+6) per cent for the Central Region, 88 (+12) per cent for the North East Region, 86 (+2) per cent for the North West Region, and 42 (-6) per cent for the Peace Region.  

Sub-surface soil moisture ratings also improved across much of the province over the past week. Provincial sub-surface moisture good-to-excellent ratings were reported as 58 per cent, which is between the five-year average of 56 per cent and the 10-year average of 63 per cent. Regional sub-surface soil moisture good-to-excellent ratings (change from last week) are reported as 50 (+14) per cent in the South Region, 54 (+4) per cent for the Central Region, 71 (+9) per cent for the North East Region, 58 (+1) per cent for the North West Region, and 68 (-4) per cent for the Peace Region.

Growth conditions for pasture this week are notably higher across the province, with provincial good-to-excellent growth conditions reported as 53 per cent, ahead of the five-year average of 46 per cent. Regional pasture good-to-excellent growth conditions (change from last week) are reported as 59 (+14) per cent for the South Region, 60 (+17) per cent for the Central Region, 50 (+26) per cent for the North East Region, 33 (+33) per cent for the North West Region, and 31 (+17) per cent for the Peace Region. 

Region Five Assessment: Peace (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)

  • Seeding progress for major crops is 41 per cent complete, compared to the five-year average of 17 per cent.
  • Reported sub-surface moisture is 5 per cent poor, 27 per cent fair, 64 per cent good, 4 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.
  • Conditions of tame hay are reported as 19 per cent poor, 50 per cent fair, 31 per cent good, and 0 per cent excellent. 

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