Alberta Crop Report - June 4, 2024

Seeding across the province is virtually complete this week. Recent widespread rains brought moisture across the province, delaying seeding of some low-lying areas; however, it was favourable overall for crop emergence. Provincially, seeding progress of all crops is at 97 per cent, which is similar to the five-year average of 97 per cent and 10-year average of 96 per cent (Table 1). Seeding progress in most regions is in line with historical averages, with the Peace Region being a notable exception. Seeding in the Peace is well ahead of the historical five-year average of 88 per cent and 10-year average of 89 per cent.
Provincial emergence of all crops is reported at 67 per cent, in line with the five-year average of 67 per cent and 10-year average of 66 per cent. Regional crop emergence for all crops is at 72 per cent in the South, 71 per cent in the Central Region, 65 per cent in the North East, 54 per cent in the Noth West, and 63 per cent in the Peace. An extended period of warmer weather would be welcome in all areas to help promote plant development.

Tame hay and pasture have continually improved in most areas thanks to the recent precipitation, with reports of cattle being turned onto pastures in areas of the Central, North West, and North East Regions. Throughout the province, 73 per cent of pasture growth is rated as good or excellent, surpassing the five-year average of 53 per cent (Table 2). Similarly, tame hay growth stands at 71 per cent rated as good or excellent, exceeding the province’s five-year average of 56 per cent. Regional ratings of good to excellent pasture (tame hay) growth conditions are 63 (64) per cent for the South, 84 (85) per cent for the Central, 76 (69) per cent for the North East, 86 (86) per cent for the North West, and 45 (44) per cent for the Peace (Figure 1). It is anticipated that the full benefits of recent moisture on both tame hay and pasture could be realized with the arrival of warmer temperatures.

Both surface and sub-surface soil moisture conditions remained reasonably stable across most areas of the province. Provincial surface moisture (sub-surface moisture) good-to-excellent ratings were reported as 75 (65) per cent, a change of -3 (-1) per cent from last week, which is above the five-year historical average of 56 (55) per cent for this week. Regional surface moisture (sub-surface moisture) conditions reported as good-to-excellent are reported as 60 (54) per cent in the South, 79 (60) per cent in the Central, 92 (77) per cent in the North East, 82 (72) per cent in the North West, and 69 (83) per cent in the Peace.
Regional Assessment for Region Five: Peace (Fairview, Falher, Grande Prairie, Valleyview)
- Seeding progress for all crops (major crops) is 98 (98) per cent complete, compared to the five-year average of 88 (88) per cent.
- No pests are currently identified as over threshold, with limited pressure from flea beetles and army cutworms reported.
- Sub-surface moisture is 2 per cent poor, 15 per cent fair, 66 per cent good, 17 per cent excellent, and 0 per cent excessive.
- Conditions of tame hay are reported as 15 per cent poor, 41 per cent fair, 43 per cent good, and 1 per cent excellent.
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