Ag Producers: Unwanted Pesticides & Medications
The Recycling Council of Alberta is sharing information with agricultural producers regarding the proper disposal of unwanted commercial agricultural pesticides and obsolete livestock/ equine/ poultry medications
For information about this fall's collection of unwanted pesticides & old livestock/equine medications, please contact our program coordinator, Heather Bradley: | 416- 622-1105
For details about options to manage ag waste products in Alberta, please contact our AB program advisor, Davin Johnson: | 403-942-6012
It’s a service we provide so farmers can disposal of these old agricultural materials safely without placing the burden on municipalities for collection and disposal. And it keeps the materials out of landfills and gets them off the farm.
The program rotates around the country every three years and will be coming to:
- Northern Alberta (north of Red Deer) in Fall 2022
- Peace Region of Alberta in Fall 2022
- Southern Alberta (south of Red Deer) 2024
The program is offered free of charge: the crop protection industry, in partnership with the Canadian Animal Health Institute (CAHI) covers the full cost of operations.
Collection events coming to 20 locations north of Red Deer this fall!
Collection events typically take place over a specific day in a particular location. Exact dates and locations will be announced this summer and we encourage you to invite farmers to bring material to the events near them, free of charge. Details will be posted on our programs’ webpage here:
Farmers who have material for disposal should safely store the products on-farm until the scheduled collection date.
Thank you for your part in getting the word out. This way, anyone with outdated and obsolete agricultural/ commercial products, won’t miss their opportunity to dispose of them safely!
Contact Us
Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760
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