2024 Photo Contest - Now Open!
The 2024 Photo Contest is now open! This year's theme is 'The Wilderness is our Back Yard'.
This year we want to see what you love most about recreation in the Peace Country. Be it summers on the lake, camping, fishing, snowshoeing, festivals, parades, events, we want to see it all! Let's show the world why our back yard is the best recreation spot in Northern Alberta!
Contest Rules
- There will be no categories, only Adult and Youth (under 18).
- Each participant may enter up to five images, taken in and around Saddle Hills County.
- Participants must be residents of Saddle Hills County, but anyone can participate in the public judging
- Submission deadline is August 31, 2024.
- Please include the names of anyone in group photos, for legal purposes (excluding large group shots)
- Photos must be high resolution jpegs (no larger than 2MB (~800 x 600 pixels))
- Photos are available for Saddle Hills County to use for promotional purposes, as per the waiver in the application
Judging & Prizes
There will be prizes awarded in both Public and Judges' Choice (12 prizes total)
1st Place: $150 | 2nd Place: $100 | 3rd Place: $75
There will also be a Grand Prize for the overall winner (top ranked in both Public and Judge's Choice), of a large, framed copy of the winning image. The overall winner will also be asked to participate as a judge in the 2025 Photo Contest.
A selection of winning images will also be featured in the 2025 Saddle Hills County Calendar.
All submissions will be posted on our dedicated social media pages, the Saddle Hills County Photo Contest page on Facebook and Saddle Hills County Photo Contest on Instagram.
Public judging will be determined by the number of 'likes' each image receives, by combining the numbers from both social media pages. The judging period will take place from September 16 - 30, 2024.
The Judges
Our judges this year come from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, but all have ties to the Peace Country and Saddle Hills County and a passion for art and photography.

Anna Richard - 2023 Overall Winner
Anna became a photographer when she moved to Saddle Hills County five years ago and saw the beauty of nature.
“Wildlife in every corner makes it like a fairy tale. We have everything here to call it our little paradise.”
Anna loves gardening, art, reading world classics, travelling, hiking, and discovering new places. She is always learning and is currently attending two courses to improve her photography skills. Psychology is another of her passions and she is also taking a course on human behaviour. She loves to help people by encouraging and supporting them in whatever way she can. After Russia invaded Ukraine, she started to volunteer and assist Ukrainian families who sought refuge in our community.
“The Saddle Hills County Photo Contest is a great chance to see all kinds of beautiful photos and meet people who really love this place - and it's always exciting!”

Chris Young - Co-Principal, Savanna School
Chris has been a dedicated member of our community since 2012, moving here with his wife, Nikita, who is a teacher at the Bonanza School. They have built a wonderful life here, raising their three children, aged 1, 6, and 9. Starting as a high school Mathematics and Outdoor Education teacher at the Savanna School, Chris was appointed Co-Principal in 2016.
Under his shared leadership, the school has seen innovative projects, including a 1200 sq. ft. heated community greenhouse, a community-use freeze dryer, a rock climbing wall, a licensed daycare, a student firepit, and a junior high band program.
Chris is excited to judge this year’s Photo Contest. He looks forward to seeing residents showcase the beauty and recreational opportunities of Saddle Hills County. This contest is a fantastic opportunity to highlight the area's unique charm and natural splendour, and Chris is eager to see the participants' creativity and talent.

Yvonne Rempel - Community Relations Manager, Northern Lights Fiber
Yvonne is the Northern Lights Fiber Community Relations Manager, as well as Community Health Promotion Facilitator, and her face is likely familiar to those who have recently signed up for fiber under Project Aurora.
When she is not working alongside communities in Northern Alberta, she enjoys unplugging at her acreage just north of Fairview.
Enter the Contest
Send your photographs to us by August 31, 2024.
Photographs can be submitted online using our Photo Contest Submission Form
If you have any problems using the online form please contact our Communications Coordinator at communications@saddlehills.ab.ca or (780) 864-3760.
You may also bring your photographs into the County Office on a USB stick, with each photograph named.
Photos may be accepted via email in special circumstances.
We look forward to seeing all of your submissions! Happy photographing shutterbugs!
Contact Us
Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760
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