$15 a Day Childcare in Alberta
As of April 1, Alberta is introducing a flat monthly fee of $326.25, roughly $15 a day, for full-time licensed childcare, as part of the Canada-Alberta Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.
Parents with children zero to kindergarten age attending full-time licensed daycare facilities and family day home programs across Alberta will be eligible for the flat parent fee, while parents requiring part-time care will pay $230 per month.
To support these changes, approximately 85% of licensed daycare providers will receive a funding increase once the new fee structure is in place.
While Alberta already reduced parent fees to an average $15 per day in 2024, many families still pay more depending on where they live, the age of their child, and the childcare provider they choose, which has led to confusion. The flat monthly fee is aimed at providing predictability for families, as well as fairness for providers and overall system efficiency.
To make Alberta’s child-care system affordable for all families, the flat monthly parent fee is replacing the Child Care Subsidy Program for children zero to kindergarten age attending child care during regular school hours. The subsidy for children attending out-of-school care is not changing.
For more information, visit alberta.ca
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Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
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