A Message from the Reeve
On behalf of Saddle Hills County Council I would like to welcome you to our website and thank you for your interest. Together with administration we are diligently working to provide quality services for our residents and ratepayers. Since becoming a County in 1995, we have been able to improve our County's infrastructure and increase service levels while maintaining tax advantages. We will aim to continue to preserve the Saddle Hills way of life and improve services in order to ensure a bright and prosperous future.
Once again, thank you for your visit and should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact myself, any member of Council or Administration.
Kristen Smith, Reeve
About Council
Saddle Hills County Council is responsible for providing high quality and accountable government to the residents and ratepayers of the County. Council works closely with the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and Administration staff to serve the community.
Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month. Council meetings are open to the public and take place at the County Admin Building.
Council is composed of seven members, representing each of the wards in the County. If you are unsure of which ward your property is located in, please review our Ward Map.
You can also provide comments directly to Council on upcoming agenda items, using our Council Comment Request Form. These written comments will be provided to Council for review and reply, at an upcoming meeting.

Ward 3
Reeve Kristen Smith
Kristen Smith was born and raised in Fourth Creek, on her parents' cattle and grain operation. After marrying Reid Smith, they established their own roots in Silver Valley, where they are raising their four children. Kristen worked as an Assessor and Community Development Officer for the County for seven years prior to running for office.
When she isn’t taking care of County business, she is busy taking the kids to sporting events, volunteering in her community, or working on the farm or in her garden.
With her long history of volunteer service, Kristen has always enjoyed being active in her community. She is proud to use her experience and knowledge of municipal government to serve her ward and the County as a whole. Giving back to the community, that she has forever called home, continues to be very important to her.
(780) 864-5075 |

Ward 2
Deputy Reeve Alvin Hubert
Alvin and his wife Janet moved to Saddle Hills County in the early 1980s. They established a grain farm in the Cotillion area, north of Bonanza. In this wonderful community, they raised their four children.
Over the years, their family have been involved with minor hockey, the Cotillion Rec Association, the Savanna and Bonanza fairs, and the local 4-H club.
Alvin and Janet love getting to spend time with their grandkids when they can.
Alvin has been on council for well over a decade. He continues to enjoy his work, and loves giving back to the community.
(780) 864-0554 |

Ward 1
Councillor Danny Roy
Danny was born and raised in Gordondale on a small, family grain farm. He worked in the oil and gas industry for 25 years, in various management positions, before taking a break to spend time growing his own farm in the area he grew up. Growing up in the area he played both minor and senior hockey, in Savanna and Spirit River.
Danny and his wife, Bev, have enjoyed raising their two children in Saddle Hills County, both of whom have settled, and work, in the Peace Country. Bev is also a County local, growing up on a cattle farm in Gundy.
He looks forward to being a Councillor and helping to develop an even more exciting place for younger generations to enjoy and prosper in.
(780) 864-0144 |

Ward 4
Councillor Ed Armagost
Ed conducts a mixed farm and ranch operation on his family property, along with his wife Betty and son Michael. Ed's parents set up a homestead on the property back in 1964, and he has lived there ever since. Public service is an important part of community life to Ed. He has served as Chief of the Savanna Fire department, the President of the Savanna Ag Society, and as both a member and Chair of the County's Agricultural Service Board. Ed truly believes in the importance of giving back to our community.
(780) 864-5555 |

Ward 5
Councillor Shirley Klatt
Shirley was recently elected as Councillor for Ward 5, as of the November 25, 2024 By-Election.
Shirley was born and raised in northern Alberta, growing up on a mixed farm north of High Prairie. She moved to Saddle Hills County with her husband in 1997, as part of her career as an Alberta Fish and Wildlife Officer. After enjoying a couple of years in retirement, Shirley went back to work, spending four years as a Peace Officer for the Alberta SPCA.
Now on her second retirement, she enjoys spending her spare time with her family, including her seven grandchildren, as well as actively participating in the Canadian Kennel Club, as a Field Tracking Judge.
She looks forward to using her experience in her new role as a Councillor.
(780) 864-0621 |

Ward 6
Councillor Gerry Richard
Gerry was born, raised and has resided in Saddle Hills County his whole life. He started his career in the oil patch in 1980, and in 1985 started his own drilling company and, with the assistance of a dedicated work team, successfully ran this business for 30 years.
Together with his wife Val they have raised their three sons here and look forward to being part of their growth as individual families and productive community members. As a family they run White Mountain Wapiti Ranch, a successful grain farming operation, Pedigree Seed Grower and Certified Domestic Elk Farm.
Gerry is looking forward to working with the community to make Saddle Hills County one of the first choices for our young people to live, work and raise a family in.
(780) 831-8525 |

Ward 7
Councillor Don Hoffart
Don was born and raised on a cattle and grain farm in Southern Saskatchewan, before following the oil patch into Alberta in 1980.
After years of working the three western provinces, and the NW Territories, he met the love of his life, Maureen, and moved into the Westmark area in 2008, where he worked until retirement in 2021. He enjoys spending time with his and Maureen's children and grandchildren.
Don is very excited to have been elected Councillor and work with the Saddle Hills County team.
(780) 402-9139 |
More Information:
Contact Us
Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760
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