Deputy Reeve Hubert
Dan Bourassa
Daniela Dolen
Karen Jeannotte
Brent Konstapel
Shanelle Richard
Sarah Weiss
Due to a concerns regarding recent measles cases reported in Alberta, and to protect our patients and staff from exposure, all patients at the Saddle Hills County Health Clinic will be required to complete a series of pre-screening questions before booking an appointment.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.
Council creates internal Boards and Committees related to specific issues affecting the community. These dedicated groups, comprised of appointed Councillors and members of the community, research and provide insight on current problems and help to develop solutions, passing their recommendations to Council for review.
Council also appoints Councillors to sit on a variety of external Boards and Committees, such as with partner organizations and neighbouring municipalities, to gather knowledge and provide insight on issues affecting Saddle Hills County.
If you are interested in learning more about each of the internal Boards and Committees at Saddle Hills County, please review our Reference Summary for Boards and Committees.
Each Councillor and Member-at-Large sits on their Board or Committee for a set term, the shortest being 1-year. Every year, we recruit for community members to sit as Members-at-Large on the Boards where members terms are coming to an end. If you are interested in getting involved, please complete an Application for Member-at-Large Position. The dates for submissions will be advertised each year in advance of the deadline, on our website, social media, and in local media.
Should you have any other questions about our Boards and Committees or would like to speak to someone directly, please get in touch at (780) 864-3760 or email
Board & Committee Appointments
Deputy Reeve Hubert
Dan Bourassa
Daniela Dolen
Karen Jeannotte
Brent Konstapel
Shanelle Richard
Sarah Weiss
Councillor Armagost
Councillor Richard
Councillor Roy
Dan Bourassa
Karen Jeannotte
Brent Konstapel
Shanelle Richard
Sarah Weiss
ALUS Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC)
Councillor Armagost
Dessa Campbell
Tanya Fearon
Sarah Weiss
All members of Council except the Member(s) who are subject of the complaint.
Intermunicipal Collaboration and Planning Committee (ICPC)
Reeve Smith
Deputy Reeve Hubert
Councillor Armagost
Councillor Hoffart
Councillor Klatt
Councillor Roy
Councillor Richard
Saddle Hills County Municipal Library Board
Reeve Smith
John Croken
Sherill Day
Elizabeth Gustafson
Corry Heinricks
Tracey Hughes
Subdivision and Development Appeal Board | Justine Yanishewski/Monica Rogers
Reeve Smith
Deputy Reeve Hubert
John Croken
Sherill Day
Denise van Rootselaar
Central Peace Assessment Review Board | Justine Yanishewski
Councillor Armagost
John Croken
Central Peace Attraction & Retention Committee
Councillor Richard
Councillor Roy (alternate)
Central Peace Medical Services Corporation
Councillor Armagost
Councillor Klatt (alternate)
Central Peace Regional Emergency Management Committee (CPREM)
Councillor Hoffart
Councillor Richard (alternate)
Central Peace Regional Water System Collboration Committee
Reeve Smith
Councillor Armagost
Central Peace Regional Waste Management Commission
Councillor Roy
All members of Council
Canfor Grande Prairie Forest Management Advisory Committee (FMAC)
Councillor Richard
Councillor Klatt (alternate)
Environmental Advisory Committee to International Paper
Councillor Roy
Councillor Richard (alternate)
Grande Prairie Regional Tourism Association
Councillor Klatt
Councillor Roy (alternate)
Deputy Reeve Hubert
Mighty Peace Tourism Association
Councillor Hoffart
Councillor Roy (alternate)
Mighty Peace Watershed Alliance
Councillor Hoffart
Councillor Richard (alternate)
Northern Alberta Elected Leaders
Reeve Smith
Northwest Species at Risk Committee
Councillor Richard
Councillor Klatt (alternate)
Peace Airshed Zone Association
Councillor Roy
Councillor Hoffart (alternate)
Councillor Armagost
Councillor Klatt (alternate)
Councillor Richard
Councillor Armagost (alternate)
Registered Drainage Systems Committee
Councillor Armagost
South Peace Regional Archives Society
Reeve Smith
Councillor Roy (alternate)
Spring Lake Ski Hill Association
Councillor Hoffart
Deputy Reeve Hubert (alternate)
Veterinarian Service Incorporated (1980) Ltd. (VSI)
Councillor Richard
Councillor Armagost (alternate)
Councillor Roy
Councillor Hoffart (alternate)
More Information:
Contact Us
Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760
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