Saddle Hills County Health Clinic
In 2021, Saddle Hills County began researching the potential of a Community Health Nurse to help respond to the healthcare needs of rural residents and reduce wait times for things like prescriptions. After much research, the County began the search for a Nurse Practitioner, hiring Palvi Sharma in August of this year.
Since then, work has begun to renovate an area of the County Administration Building for the Saddle Hills County Health Clinic, as well as put into place policies, procedures, practices, and principles concerning patient privacy, and a myriad of other projects that will contribute to the successful opening of the clinic.
As one of the only programs of its kind in the province, the project is ever evolving. Administration have been working hard researching and implementing key training and practices, and purchasing all necessary equipment, spearheaded by Nurse Practitioner Sharma.
The County hopes that the program, once complete, will be able to meet the varied needs of residents and provide much needed services for many years to come.
More updates will be provided on the program and anticipated opening of the clinic, as these become available.
Why a Nurse Practitioner?
Nurse Practitioners are independent health professionals who provide essential healthcare services, working in collaboration with their patients and other healthcare providers to provide patient-centred care. The services compliment those provided by a family physician, including being able to order x-rays and blood work, perform procedures such as stitches, provide Drivers Medical and Disability forms, and prescribe medications, among other things.
Contact Us
Saddle Hills
Junction of Hwy 49 & Secondary Hwy 725
RR1, Spirit River AB
T0H 3G0
T. 780-864-3760
Fax 780-864-3904
Toll-free 1-888-864-3760
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