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The next Municipal Election will be held on October 20, 2025.

An election will be held for each of the seven Councillor positions, representing each of the County's wards. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve are then elected from among the members of Council at the annual Organizational Meeting. 

Elections will be conducted in accordance with the Local Authorities Election Act and other applicable municipal bylaws and policies.

Before the Election


Due to changes made to the Local Authorities Election Act, this year's Municipal Election will run slightly differently to elections in the past.

Beginning this year, the nomination period opens on January 1, 2025.

Nomination period closes on Monday, September 22, 2025, at 12 p.m.

More information can be found below or in the Candidate Information Package.


Candidates who plan to run in the 2025 Municipal Election, must also file a Notice of Intent to Run as a candidate, and can only accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses once this has been filed with the Returning Officer and they are added to the Register of Candidates.

To file your Notice of Intent, candidates must visit the Saddle Hills County Administration Building during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

To ensure that the Returning Officer will be available, we recommend arranging a delivery time in advance. This can be done by contacting our office, at (780) 864-3760.

The nomination period runs from January 1, 2025 to September 22, 2025, at 12 p.m.

Candidates who are interested in running, can find more details in the Candidate Information Package

Candidates are required to complete and submit the following forms in order to be nominated for election:

Nomination Paper and Candidate's Acceptance (Form 4)

Candidate Financial Information (Form 5)

Each nomination form must be complete and include the signatures of at least five (5) eligible electors. 

Nomination papers must be filed with the Returning Officer at the Saddle Hills County Administration Building during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

To ensure that the Returning Officer will be available, we recommend arranging a delivery time in advance. This can be done by contacting our office, at (780) 864-3760.

Election by Acclamation

If at the close of nominations, at 12 p.m. on Nomination Day, the number of candidates nominated for any office is the same as the number required to be elected, the Returning Officer will declare the candidate(s) to be acclaimed to the office for which they were nominated.

During the Election

Voting and Election Day

This year, Saddle Hills County voters have the option to vote by Special Ballot (i.e. mail-in ballot) during the 2025 Municipal Election.

Special Ballots are used when an elector, whose name is contained in the permanent electors register, is unable to vote at the Advance Vote or on Election Day.

If you require a Special Ballot for the 2025 Municipal Election, you must complete a Special Ballot Application.

Electors can apply for a special ballot:

  • in person at the Saddle Hills County Administration Building
  • by written request to: Returning Officer, Saddle Hills County, RR1, Spirit River, AB. T0H 3G0
  • by phone, at (780) 864-3760
  • by email, to
  • by completing the online Special Ballot Application

There is also a fillable PDF version available for those who would like to submit this by email or print it and submit in person. 

The deadline for Special Ballot Applications is October 17, 2025, at 4:30 p.m.

Completed Special Ballots must be received by 8:00 p.m., on Monday, October 20th, 2025 (Election Day), to be eligible. Special Ballots can be mailed to Saddle Hills County or dropped off at a Voting Station on Election Day.

Special Ballots will be sent out via mail at the beginning of September 2025.

If you have not received your ballot by October 1, 2025, please get in touch with the Returning Officer.

When voting by Special Ballot, the elector will be required to attach a copy of the proper identification.


An Advance Vote will take place on Monday, October 13, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the Saddle Hills County Administration Building.

Election Day will take place on Monday, October 20, 2025.

Every Voting Station will open promptly at 10 a.m., and will remain open continuously until 8 p.m.

Voting Stations will be located at the following facilities (subject to change):

Eligible electors can vote at any Voting Station in the County, but are encouraged to vote at a station in their ward, if possible. 

To be eligible to vote in the 2025 Municipal Election, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • be a Canadian citizen
  • reside in Saddle Hills County

In order to vote in the 2025 Municipal Election, electors will be required to complete and sign the Elector Register, either in advance through Voterlink, or on Election Day, and provide proof of identification and current residence.

The main forms of identification are an Driver's Licence or Alberta Identification Card. The identification produced must have the voter's name and address.

If you have a PO Box address listed on your photo ID, please also bring a second form of identification with your municipal address or legal land location listed.

Voters will be required to register to vote in Municipal Elections as per proposed changes to the Local Authorities Election Act (Bill 20 – Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 2024).  The voters list will be provided to the County under a Data Sharing Agreement with Elections Alberta.

Voters are encouraged to register to vote by visiting Voterlink in advance of the election. 

Saddle Hills County is seeking Election Workers for the 2025 Municipal Election. To be eligible to be an Election Worker, you must:

  • Be eligible to work in Canada.
  • Be at least 16 years of age.
  • Be able to provide a satisfactory Criminal Records Check.
  • Be able to attend the mandatory training session.
  • Be available all day on Election Day (October 20, 2025).

Please note, that preference may be given to Saddle Hills County residents.

Election Workers will be paid a day rate of $400, for each day worked during the election and mileage will be paid at $0.70 per kilometer.

To apply to be an Election Worker, please complete an Election Worker Application either online, by sending the completed Fillable PDF to, or at the County Admin Building. 

After the Election


Unofficial election results will be posted online as soon as possible after the closure of voting stations on Election Day.

The official results will be posted and released at 12 p.m. on Friday, October 24, 2025.

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